SPA 8 Coordinated Entry System for Families (CESF)
For the Family Shelter, Click Here
For permanent housing, see below.
What is CESF?
The CESF is a network of providers that assist homeless families in Los Angeles County. The providers work together to assist families with housing and service plans. The goal to keep families united and within their community during a traumatic time of homelessness.
What will Harbor Interfaith do?
Harbor Interfaith is the Lead Agency in Service Provider Area (SPA) 8. To further discuss referral process for homeless families, please contact the HUB where you are located.
SPA 8 CESF will collect the basic information:
- Name of contact;
- Family make up (how many adults and children);
- A phone number where they can be reached;
- Last zip code where the family was housed and
- Who the family stayed with last
Households with a minor child, mother is in her third trimester of pregnancy and if a mother is diagnosed with a “high risk” pregnancy may qualify. To be eligible for any service through the CESF, a household seeking assistance must:
- Meet the definition of a family.
- Must be facing a housing crisis.
Because the CESF helps families connect with the most appropriate resource for which they are eligible, there may be additional eligibility criteria which the household may be required to meet. Eligibility for sponsored rapid re-housing or prevention assistance is based on the following three conditions:
- Homeless or imminently at-risk of homelessness.
- A family consisting of one or more minor children in the legal custody of one or two adults.
- Income at or below 30% Area Median Income.
Need Help?
Catholic Charities Long Beach hub, Rainbow Services (DV Partner), and 1736 Family Crisis Center